Saturday, November 19, 2011

Recommendations, please, for something as good as "The Crimson Petal and the White" by Michel Faber!

I'm currently re-reading it for the third time in two years, it is one of those books that is so damn good you just don't want it to end!

And I'm completely uninspired as to what to read next - I've already read everything he has written (again some of it twice or three times over) but I really need some recommendations as to an author who can excite me as much as he does.

I do tend to go for books with a historical setting but by no means exclusively - so any ideas will be very welcome!

Oh, and if anyone has any inside info as to when the film of TCPATW will eventually be released. or where it's up to, I'd be eager to hear it!! All I've managed to find out from IMDB is that it is "in development".

Many thanks!

Recommendations, please, for something as good as "The Crimson Petal and the White" by Michel Faber!
Kind of off the topic, but wasn't his first novel really creepy??

I loved The Crimson Petal and the White as well. The novel I would most recommend as another fat historical novel you can really lose yourself in is City of Light by Lauren Belfer.
Reply:King Fortis the Brave

Harry Potter

Eragon and

Chronicles of Narnia are all great
Reply:Since you have a liking for historic novels...maybe Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders or anything else by him, Wilbur Smith, Joanne Harris Blackberry Wine or any other book by her, Johnathon Strange and Mr. Norrel by Susanna Clarke or The body in the Library by Agatha Christie...

I am not certain about the movie though

Hiking Shoes

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