Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What flower does not have multiple petals?

I'd like to know what flower has only one petal. Thanks!

What flower does not have multiple petals?
Some flowers will seem to have only one petal and they are called: Gamopetalous. Their petals are united to form a tubular or rotate corolla with the united part known as the tube and the spreading or flat part known as the limb . Some examples are campanula family, petunia family etc...

Some flowers have no petal at all and they are called Naked flowers(apetalous) in Zantedeschia spp. (calla lily). The colored heart shaped "petal" is in fact a bractea, a specialized leaf or leaf-like part used by the plant to attract pollination insects.

I found the word MONOPETALOUS which means: 1. Having only one petal. 2. Having the petals united into one piece by their edges or at the base.

Althought, I have not found a truly one petal flower!
Reply:Sorry, there is none. I tried to think of all the flowers that I know..but can't find any flower with one petal. Jasmine doesn't have multiple petal likes roses, if that kind of multiple or your questions.
Reply:Calla Lillies! Also Peace Lillies
Reply:I don't think there are any, really good question!!
Reply:My wife is a gardening freak and this question drove her nuts fro about an hour. She checked in several of her gardening manuals and found what she considers the correct answer, Anthurium. Technically it is not a petal but a spathe. The link has a picture.

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