Thursday, May 20, 2010

What are some uses for rose petals?

I have a couple roses I cut off my bush. What are some things I can do with the petals?

What are some uses for rose petals?
What I do with them is dry them in a single layer on a sheet pan. Then you can put them in a pretty glass bowl and they will smell nice for quite sometime. Once they lose their sent, I take them out and spray them with varnish and let them dry and then put them back in the bowl then you can buy essential oil of rose and sprinkle a little on them once a week. They will keep forever almost! Hope this is helpful!!
Reply:On romantic ventures with my ex...I used to sprinkle a trail of them around the bed and on top of the comfortor..but what would a romantic know lol
Reply:You can wash them gently and paint them with a bit of water or egg wash and then sugar them for cakes as well.
Reply:Some ice cream manufacturers make a rose petal ice cream.
Reply:Rose petal recipes

Rose beads and more

To crystallize

Paint lightly beaten egg white over all the surfaces of each rose petal.

Sprinkle the petals evenly with icing sugar and leave to dry on a cake rack.

Keep the petals separate while drying and after.

When dry place wax paper between them and use as soon as possible. Store them airtight but not in the fridge. They will go soggy.

Ruby Hummingbird cake with roses
Reply:Make a rose petal massage oil. Fill a glass jar with rose petals and cover with grapeseed or almond oil to about one inch from rim of jar. Cap with wax paper and then a lid. place in a very sunny spot for two weeks and strain. You can add essential oils if you like. It is very nice and delicately scented
Reply:Sprinkle them in a bubble bath and on your bed for a restful enjoyable evening.

shoe labels

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